The proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus), known as bekantan in Indonesian, is a large primate endemic to the island of Borneo. These monkeys are notable for their distinctive long noses, especially in males, which are believed to attract mates and intimidate rivals. They live in mangrove forests, riverine, and swamp areas, often found near water bodies. Bekantans are strong swimmers, aided by their webbed toes, and they often leap into water from trees. They are primarily herbivores, feeding on leaves, seeds, and fruits, but occasionally consume insects. Unfortunately, their populations are declining due to habitat loss from deforestation, making conservation efforts critical【7†source】【8†source】.
20 Kata Sulit dan Terjemahannya
1. **Endemic** - Endemik
2. **Primate** - Primata
3. **Notable** - Terkenal
4. **Distinctive** - Khas
5. **Mangrove** - Bakau
6. **Riverine** - Tepian sungai
7. **Swamp** - Rawa
8. **Herbivores** - Herbivora
9. **Deforestation** - Deforestasi
10. **Conservation** - Konservasi
11. **Habitat** - Habitat
12. **Declining** - Menurun
13. **Mates** - Pasangan
14. **Rivals** - Pesaing
15. **Webbed** - Berjala
16. **Populations** - Populasi
17. **Species** - Spesies
18. **Omnivores** - Omnivora
19. **Endangered** - Terancam punah
20. **Arboreal** - Arboreal (hidup di pohon)
Terjemahan Bacaan Secara Utuh
Bekantan (Nasalis larvatus), dikenal sebagai bekantan di Indonesia, adalah primata besar yang endemik di pulau Kalimantan. Monyet ini terkenal dengan hidungnya yang panjang dan khas, terutama pada jantan, yang diyakini menarik pasangan dan menakut-nakuti pesaing. Mereka tinggal di hutan bakau, tepi sungai, dan daerah rawa, sering ditemukan di dekat badan air. Bekantan adalah perenang yang kuat, dibantu oleh jari-jari kaki yang berjala, dan sering melompat ke air dari pohon. Mereka terutama herbivora, memakan daun, biji, dan buah, tetapi kadang-kadang mengonsumsi serangga. Sayangnya, populasinya menurun karena hilangnya habitat akibat deforestasi, sehingga upaya konservasi sangat penting【7†source】【8†source】.
10 Soal dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya
1. **Q: What is the scientific name of the proboscis monkey?**
**A: Nasalis larvatus**
2. **Q: Where is the proboscis monkey endemic to?**
**A: The island of Borneo**
3. **Q: What is the local name for the proboscis monkey in Indonesia?**
**A: Bekantan**
4. **Q: What characteristic feature is notable in male proboscis monkeys?**
**A: A long, distinctive nose**
5. **Q: What types of habitats do proboscis monkeys live in?**
**A: Mangrove forests, riverine, and swamp areas**
6. **Q: What adaptations help proboscis monkeys swim?**
**A: Webbed toes**
7. **Q: What is the primary diet of proboscis monkeys?**
**A: They are mainly herbivores, feeding on leaves, seeds, and fruits.**
8. **Q: Why are proboscis monkey populations declining?**
**A: Due to habitat loss from deforestation**
9. **Q: Are proboscis monkeys considered endangered?**
**A: Yes, they are listed as endangered due to their declining populations.**
10. **Q: What is the purpose of the long nose in male proboscis monkeys?**
**A: It is believed to attract mates and intimidate rivals.**
Sumber Bacaan
- [Biology Dictionary - Proboscis Monkey](
- [New England Primate Conservancy - Proboscis Monkey](
Tuesday, 30 July 2024
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